Report from DrupalCon London 2011
Greetings from London! We arrived here in order to participate in the yearly Drupal community meetup, DrupalCon London 2011. Each year, the community organises two large gatherings in Europe and the US, offering a chance to share our experiences, stay informed on the latest developments on the platform, meet potential partners and collaborators and work all together on the future versions of our tools.
The structure of the conference was familiar from last year: Monday was dedicated to the training sessions while the visitors arrived and went through the registration process. The following three days were dedicated to the sessions - more than 70 presentations separated into 7 theme tracks were running concurrently, while smaller rooms hosted the Birds of a Feather sessions, practical workshops on concrete topics of interest. The last day was dedicated to code sprints, where developers joined their strength in order to advance the possibilities of the Drupal platform and contributed modules.
Fairfield Halls in East Croydon gathered together close to 1800 Drupalistas, making DrupalCon London 2011 the largest DrupalCon to be organised in Europe. From the greek community there was a small but active presence: from Point Blank were Stelios and Kostas Kourakis, from Eresus George Terezakis, while from netstudio we met Giannis Karampelas, George Mastrokolias and Nikos Charalampidis.
In the greek version of this blog post we outline the sessions that grabbed our interest as well as those we believe are the highlights of the event.
At the closing of the conference we were informed on the next two grand scheduled meetups: DrupalCon Denver will be held in March in Colorado, while the european gathering will take place in Munich, Germany from August 20-23.