The housing paradox in small municipalities in Greece
Book design & illustration
"The housing paradox in small municipalities in Greece: The case of the Municipality of Naoussa" is the result of the collaboration of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Thessaloniki Office with HARTA research group. In the publication, Nikos Vrantsis makes a brief review of the Greek housing model, focusing on the invisible, for the public debate, homelessness and housing pressure in small municipalities.
In the case of Naoussa, a housing paradox becomes apparent: that while some towns in the region are shrinking in population, many residents face increasingly intense conditions of housing insecurity.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation entrusted us with the design of the publication, the illustration of the cover as well as the 5th chapter of the book, which presents interviews with homeless people, young people, women, LGBTQIA+, the disabled and refugees highlighting the multifaceted and invisible housing pressure that a large part of the population is under even in small towns.