Iro Palampougiouki

Senior Drupal Developer

Iro began her professional journey as an elementary school teacher. After six years in education, she discovered her passion for web development and Drupal. Captivated by CSS architecture and design systems, Iro took the bold step of making a career switch and becoming a frontend developer.

As she worked extensively with Drupal in ever more complex projects, she quickly ventured into the realm of backend development and systems architecture, delving deep into these areas. She currently holds the position of Senior Full Stack Drupal Developer, where she designs and delivers complex information applications for clients in the public sector and European agencies.

A staunch advocate for Free and Open Source Software, Iro also organizes local meetups, Drupal days/camps, and FrontEnd United events. She is a founding member and serves on the board of the Greek Drupal Community User Group.


  • Full-stack Drupal development
  • Component architecture & BEM/SMACSS